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AI Act guide and flowchart

In the light of the compromise text of the AI Act, which recently has been published, it is wise for businesses who work with AI to get ready. Do you have questions as 'is my AI system high risk?' or 'which rules apply to me?' Take a look at our simplified flowcharts including definitions attached to this article. You can download the flowchart about the rules that might apply to you on the right side of this article. For the flowchart on high-risk systems, click here.

Prohibited AI systems will need to be off the market after six months and high-risk systems must adhere to the prescribed obligations within two years. For general purpose AI the obligations will apply after 12 months. 

If you have questions about this AI Act guide, the flowchart or about a more specific situation or if you are curious about the vision of an expert in this field, feel free to contact us at or contact Jos van der Wijst (

With the AI Act shaping the lawful and ethical use of AI, taking the time to understand its implicantions is a strategic step towards compliance and using it to your advantage in the (near) future. 


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