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Dutch Authority announces strategic focus on AI supervision and collaboration for 2024

The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure ('RDI') published their annual plan which included a focus on artificial intelligence. The following text is reproduced from their annual plan and translated into English. The original document containing the Dutch text can be found here.


The developments of artificial intelligence (AI) are moving faster and faster, constantly influencing our lives and society. The absolute long-term impact of this technology is not yet clear. To manage the use of AI, it must be monitored that AI is reliably and trustworthily applied in the digital domain.


Because developments within AI are rapid, we talk about 'unknown unknowns'. It is not yet sufficiently known in society what opportunities and threats will arise with or from AI in the future, and how they differ by application or sector. Supervision of AI finds its basis in new European regulations, the AI Act, and from already existing regulations.

Focus points

  • Cooperation: In order to combine risks and opportunities responsibly, we are working with all regulators in the Netherlands to shape supervision. Led by the RDI and the Dutch DPA/Directie Coördinatie Algoritmes (AP/DCA), we are working in 2024 to further develop supervision. European coordination between regulators will take place under our leadership.
  • Standardisation and guidance: On the basis of our current supervisory tasks and under the AI Act, the RDI takes the lead in giving society and industry clarity in the responsible use of AI by working on standardisation. We will do this by working on standards on AI at national and European level by 2024. One example is our cooperation with the European Commission and UNESCO to develop frameworks for ethical use of AI.
  • AI Lab: Through this collaboration and international engagement, we have visibility on current developments and ensure an optimal balance between innovation and mitigating risks. In 2024, we will take steps to make an AI lab operational to support our supervision and supervisory cooperation.


The RDI's ambition is to interpret the consequences of the lightning-fast development of AI in a timely manner. Together with others. This creates a good picture of the relevant risks affecting the public interest and we do not lose sight of the opportunities. From its role and knowledge, the RDI encourages and supports further initiatives for regulation and cooperation.